Showing posts with label lake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lake. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

One Perfect Day

Firstly a brief history of me, I am an Australian, born in Melbourne, raised in Wollongong and have been living in Albury for the last 10 years. I have an engineering degree and have worked in manufacturing and I am currently working in Technical Sales.

About 2 years ago I got my first digital camera and copy of photoshop and it lit a fire under my creative side. Since then there is barely a week that goes by where I do not go out taking photographs.

What I would like to do with this blog is show you some of my photographic images and describe a bit about how I came to shoot the image and what I have tried to achieve with the processing.

This shot was taken on Saturday 12 May 2007 at Lake Buffalo, Victoria.

My decision to go out shooting this day was a spur of the moment decision, being Autumn and the colour being out around my region I thought I would head towards Bright and Mt Buffalo. While passing through Myrtleford I saw a sign which said Lake Buffalo. After another spur of the moment decision I ended up at Lake Buffalo, hoping to get a nice reflection shot and this day nature did not disappoint. Awesome scenery, great reflection and wonderful clouds. What can I say it was “one perfect day”.

As I said once I had made the decision to head towards the Lake i was already pre-visualising the type of shot I would take. Although I had never been to the spot before ,I could see that there was wonderfully wispy clouds in the sky and hardly a breath of wind, the perfect conditions for a reflection shot. Upon arrival and a quick drive and walk around the area, I picked my spot. The ruggedness of the mountains was a great backdrop to the image and a superb subject for the reflection.

As I mentioned before the clouds were wonderfully wispy this day and just kept rolling through.

In the end I spent nearly 3 hours at this place taking images as the sky and light changed. I ended up with 4 images I was happy with, with many subtle variations of them. Of these 4 this image is my pick because of the following reasons:

- I have images with a mirror finish, however I prefer the subtle ripples in the foreground and the stronger ripples closer to the far shoreline, I feel these add some character and texture to the foreground.
- I also have images with complete symmetry between sky and reflection, however none of these showed off the full majesty of that sky and clouds.
- I like the way that the clouds are forming lines that intersect at the tallest peak, this helps to highlight the light on the mountain and the texture of the creases in this mountain range.

I hope this has given you some insight into the thought process behind the creation of this image.

If you would like to buy a print of this image it is for sale here:

More of my images are for sale here:

And images for viewing here: